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© Anders Wånge Kjellsson
Media: © Anders Wånge Kjellsson Lund
Högnordisk pärlemorfjäril Boloria polaris
Fick tyvärr ingen bra bild, men här ses bl.a. de diffusa svarta fläckarna på framvingen som bildar ett streck, avsmalnande mot spetsen.


Art: Högnordisk pärlemorfjäril Boloria polaris
1 imago/adult friflygande
Datum och tid:
Fyndplats: Boarrasacohkka, Jukkasjärvi, T lm
Rapportör: Anders Wånge Kjellsson,Lund
Uppladdad: för 10 år sedan
Antal träffar: Den här bilden, videon eller ljudet har visats 937 gånger
Valideringsstatus: Godkänt, baserat på media

Kommentarer  1  Fyndet har ändrats efter att senaste kommentaren gjorts

  • John Faldborg, Faxe Ladeplads  - för 5 år sedan

    ...06.07.2014/Till detta bild skriver Anders Wånge Kjellsson i sin bild-kommenatar, bla "Fick tyvärr ingen bra bild....."..etc
    Do you want to know the truth about that day on Boarrasacohkka? I had stayed there for a couple of days, with my then 14-year old daughter - and we did meet no one - we enjoyed ourselves in the company of up till at a minimum of 3 - and maybe 4 - freeflying boloria polaris. on the 6th a red helicopter flew in, and some people jumped out - clearly a couple of tourist, but accompanied by a guide (with a net) that seemed focused and looked like he clearly knew something about this here thing/area. On Artsportalan.se....apart from Anders Wånge Kjellsson also Leif Björk has noted polaris on location this very date, so....?? My daughter left the area - she had already heard enough about people with disrespect for rare butterflies; I left too, but I stayed relatively close enough to be able to see what was going on; they already at arrival did ask me about polaris: I declined to have seen any...The swedish guide with the net started to act in the area where polaris was flying - he definitely knew what he was doing - and suddenly things went mad and fast and he was running like a madman, and eventually caught - damn it - one polaris. Which was tried to be put into a 'flat plastic-like thing´, but they did it all wrong and the butterfly was severely damaged on the whole of the right side. Totally and it couldn't fly afterwards. The swedish guide told us ....that 'this was nothing' and absolutely not to worry about and that the butterfly just would need some rest and then would be fine after that! And this is where the ABOVE AND ACTUAL PHOTO apperantly was taken, but without the right wing of the butterfly which was totally smashed, ofcourse! The helicopter-party then left very quickly and me and my daughter were left behind and respectfully laid the almost dead and smashed butterfly to a rest in between flowers at the ground. Shortly thereafter the helicopter left us, returning for Abisko...

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